Pharmaqo Labs Masteron-P 100 for sale


Masteron-P 100 is an injectable anabolic steroid that prompts expanded elocution and hardness inside the muscles. Simultaneously, it viably hinders estrogen and ties to SHBG, which assists with diminishing fat stores, decline liquid maintenance, and make stacking with different items safe.


Due to these outcomes, Masteron-P 100 is best utilized during the cutting stage. Most weight lifters like to consolidate Masteron-P 100 with different steroids like Trenbolones, Testosterone Propionate, Stanozolol, and Halotestin. Utilizing Masteron-P 100 in this manner prompts extreme definition and hardness that is difficult to beat in a challenge.

How Masteron-P 100 functions?

Masteron-P 100 works by restricting to the androgen receptors in your body. This outcomes in expanded masculinization, like articulated muscles. Simultaneously, it is an estrogen blocker, implying that it further develops weight reduction and battles liquid maintenance simultaneously.

How to take Masteron-P 100?

Masteron-P 100 is an injectable steroid. The specific sum you infuse relies upon your size, sexual orientation, and objectives. Most expert muscle heads infuse the creation each a few days to hold a predictable blood level. Most additionally stack with different steroids for extreme outcomes.


Masteron-P 100 is certifiably not a top pick among female jocks as a result of its exceptionally androgenic impacts. Genuine female weight lifters, be that as it may, in any case utilize this blend on account of its predominant outcomes. Female jocks need to take lower portions and be wary when initially beginning because of its antiestrogenic properties.

Incidental effects

However incidental effects are insignificant in contrast with other injectable steroids, there are some announced incidental effects to keep an eye out for, particularly in ladies. The most widely recognized incorporate the accompanying:

  1. Skin break out
  2. Developing of the voice
  3. Hirsutism
  4. Expanded drive
  5. Sleek skin
  6. Torment at the infusion site