Proton Pharma (Primobolan) Metenex 100MG for sale


Metenex 100 mg is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid, which is considered very feeble in light of the fact that its anabolic and androgenic impacts are low. Metenix 100 mg enjoys a critical upper hand over different steroids as far as restricting to the androgen receptor, as it is a lot more grounded than Testosterone.


About Proton Pharma (Primobolan) Metenex 100 mg

Metenex 100mg is a fake chemical, very much like the normally emerging testosterone steroid. This steroid is for the most part a gentle anabolic and against catabolic and is utilized on the grounds that it assists with nitrogen maintenance in the body. It is somewhat perilous to your liver and nearly without changing into estrogen. The substance name of this steroid is Methenolone Enanthate.

Metenex 100 mg is an injectable anabolic and androgenic steroid, which is considered very feeble in light of the fact that its anabolic and androgenic impacts are low. Metenix 100 mg enjoys a critical upper hand over different steroids as far as restricting to the androgen receptor, as it is a lot more grounded than Testosterone.

It is a decent assistance for fat misfortune, it doesn’t aromatize all things considered. This steroid is medicinally demonstrated to decrease bosom malignancy in ladies, and it has a half-existence of around 10 days.


Every ampoule contains 100mg/ml of Metenex


For male competitor clients regularly require 300 mg each week which is viewed as the low end portion. As Metenex is relatively a gentle anabolic steroid, most men can endure 400-500 mg consistently quite well. Indeed, even 600 mg would be acceptable with a large portion of the clients. Despite the measurements, the steroid is regularly suggested for 8-12 weeks in particular. Metenex100 mg will stack well with pretty much every anabolic steroid.

The suggested portion for female competitors is 50-200 mg each week as it is all they need. Greater part of the ladies will discover 4 a month and a half of utilization all that could possibly be needed for results.

It is constantly encouraged to counsel a specialist prior to utilizing any steroid, despite the fact that Metenex 100 mg is certifiably not an amazing steroid, you ought to examine your ailment and sensitivities to the specialist to stay away from medical problems.

Incidental effects:

As Metenex 100 mg is certifiably not an amazing anabolic steroid, it doesn’t have any serious incidental effects, however some uncommon incidental effects might include: unreasonable hair development, voice change, expansion in sexual cravings, and skin break out.